Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Taufan Sandy

30th October 2012

The LARGEST hurricane ever!! recorded slams New York at more than 130km/h!
Take a look at the scene..

Air masuk train station

East 14th Street, Manhattan

Cooper Street East Hampton


The reconstruction of the destruction yang paling far casualty 11 orang.
However yg affected ada nearly 1,000,000!!!

Nauzubillah....Janganlah jadi kat Malaysia ya...cukuplah sekali tsunami.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Breastfeeding Journey

All i can say is, after 16 days struggling, i SALUTE all those mommies yang berjaya breastfed their babies. Tak kira lah, 6 months ke, 12 months or how many many months pun.


Tapi, as long as kita nekad kita NAK BREASTFEED, Insyaallah akan dipermudahkan jalannya...

My breastfeeding journey was quite a rocky one i would say. For the first 14 days, Hussein was not able to latch on properly. Jaundice was about to kick in, so in a panic state, i bottle feed him with EBM. Engorgement was also an issue. A big thanx to a loaned Avent manual breast pump from my SIL.

During that 14 days, i immersed in a lot of reading, join support groups and even consulted some lactation consultant. And mothers, all these really helps. Please join breastfeeding support groups as you can link with other mommies who have the same problem. I joined the :

The Breastfeeding Advocates Network
Kumpulan Ibu Menyusu Badan

And as for lactation consultant, saya cuba from dua website, and also They provide house visits. Yg from susuibu tu its RM 80 per hour.

Ada juga yang certified lactation consultant, but they are Breastfeeding Peer Counsellors.
Yang ni adalah volunteers, so I only got advice thru the phone. But they also do house calls kalau tak silap.

WAH..boleh bayangkan tak betapa tak senang duduknya dalam dua minggu tu, dok mencari apa lagi yang tak kena.

But Alhamdullillah, at day 14, Hussein made a perfect latch on, which lasted for more than 15 minutes and that was the best moment I can ever imagined. Hilang segala risau.....

So the moral is, it takes practice,practice & practice. Like what the pediatrician said...."Give the fella a break la, dia baru saja keluar, u can't expect him to know everything.."

The day i met SALHA ZAIN

My SIL was the one who introduced me to Salha. They were already waiting for us at home when we got back, and i remembered me saying to Hafiz "Fullamak dia pakai beamer, biar betul jual corset ni"

Yes, that is true. And when Salha explained to me about the business plan, i tot, wat the heck, lets just give this a try. After going through worst case scenario, we figured it was a GOOD business, with very minimal risk.

And then we're off!!

And please, check out Salha's website. You'll get what i mean :)
She is an inspiration..ya'll with me?

Why Breastfeeding Rocks!!

AND...its true

Research has shown that breastfeeding gives a lot of benefits to us, MOMS as well, eg:

  • Lowers risk of cancer, diabetes and many other diseases
  • Its a  natural birth control. Tak perlu lagi makan Yasmin..
  • Its..PERCUMA! siapa yang tak suka benda free..hihihi
  • Its, easy. No need to wash, sterilize, warm up
  • Ini paling best. It helps u lose weight!!
  • Helps u bond with your baby
  • Lowers stress level
  • Better birth recovery
  • You know you are giving the best to your baby, best nutrition, best immune system...

Monday, October 29, 2012

My Bundle of Joy

World, meet Hussein b. Mohd Hafiz..

Alhamdullillah, born on 16th of October 2012.
Motherhood clearly has thought me a LOT of things. Patience, for one.

And now the journey begins....

Friday, October 12, 2012

Everyone's favourite topic


The happiest days of my life. And i would like to share it with y'all.

                       Feels Just Like Yesterday
  02.10.10 Our akad nikah 
 03.10.10 Our sanding
09.10.10 Bertandang

Once we made up our mind to get married, i promised myself that i wont let this wedding become a headache. It should be filled with joy and fun, and of course it should be friendly to our pocket. hehe.

Of course the names i had in mind were awesome!

Konon konon :
     Make Up : Sue Cantik
     Pelamin : Naz's Great Idea
     Place : Carcosa Sri Negara
     Attire : Syaiful Bahrim / Jovian Mandagie
     Photographer : Qippy
     Videographer : Manggis
     Wedding Cake : Delectables @ garden

I would say the list above is like every girls wishlist...well, maybe back in 2010.
But then, reality check...tak cukup duit la kan nak hire they all. However, I was happy with the substitutions that we made!

I'll blog more about this soon!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ustaz Don Daniyal Don Biyajid

Look who came to hubbs office!

Ustaz Don! he gave a ceramah on raya Qurban and hubbs say he is indeed very funny...

                                                        Ah...sapa tak suka Ustaz Don oiiiii.

Memang bertuah rasanya wife dia, Husna. lawa betul gambar kawin dia! jealous makkk.
Semoga mereka bahagia..Amin....

swollen feet!!!

At 36 weeks of gestation now, and my feet are huge! humongous! elephantomous! call it whatever you want.

I am already a generous size 9 to begin with. Hence now, I am proudly a size 10 and a half :)
It is of course normal for your feet to become swollen during pregnancy, but in some cases it maybe worse, considering other factors : how much you walk, how often you stand, etc etc. Bear in mind that this swelling happens gradually. If you are experiencing sudden swelling in your hands, face and feet, please go and see a doctor immediately as it could a sign of pre-eclampsia.

So let's see, whether there's anything we can do to reduce this water retention, or in others word feet edema.

1. Sila letakkan kaki ke atas, eg : masa tidur, letakkan bantal di bawah kaki. This helps a lot, really.
2. Drink lots of water
3. Walk, walk & walk.
4. Avoid junk food ye, especially yang banyak garam
5. Makan banyak potassium (keledek, ubi kentang, tomatoes etc)

Of course, there are a lot more things you can try. But these are the things that I did try, and it works (eventho only for a short period of time)

Nak tengok kakiku yang bengkak gils......


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