Of course if you don't, that does not make you a lesser mother than those who cloth diaper their babies.
We're all mothers, so let's share the love ya?
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Hussein in Lunatots. Good Malaysian made CD |
I get a lot of people asking..kenapa you nak susah-susah pakai CD ni? Pakai buang je la..kan senang or..ish takde masa la nak basuh-basuh. tak sempat. Initially I had the same perception towards CD too. Tapi lepas research, memang tak susah nak berCD ni.
This is why I think it's worth to give CD a shot.
1. It is COST saving. LIKE SERIOUSLY. I did the maths. For one year, we will spend about RM 1000 for disposable diaper. This is taking each diaper 60 cents and you use 5 diapers per day. Mahal kan? With RM 1000 tu, kita boleh beli berbelas CD yang good quality. And the plus point is, you get to REUSE them over and over again. So sekali saja initial investment.
2. Go GREEN. Ini just stating the obviouslah. Less trash, better environment.
3. Super Duper cute designs :) At home, Hussein will be just a T shirt and his diaper. No pants. hehe
4. Medically proven to be better. Well, I did not encounter this. But most of CD moms that I know, started CDing because their little ones are allergic to DD. Say NO to diaper rash & NO to irritable bottoms!
5. Easier to potty train. Apparently babies feel more uncomfortable, hence the learning to use the toilet becomes faster.
I have to say it is NOT EASY at first. There were just too many terms, too many sizes, too many styles, and of course too LITTLE time. But Alhamdullillah with a lot of guides online we survived without disposable diapers.
Just a few pointers which i'd like to share, that I wish somebody has told me beforehand:
- A One Size (OS) cloth diaper is usually not suitable for newborns.
- Newborns are better off with prefolds and covers
- Some homemade CD's are really good. My personal favourite is Maybel's Closet.
- Do your research before using CD and of course you will still learn a lot of stuff along the way.
- Make sure your washing method is correct.
- Joing FSOT groups in FB. This is where you can get branded CD (Ittibitti, Charlie Banana, etc) for a slightly cheaper price
-Do invest in good diaper because the quality is really good :)
So tunggu apa lagi..mari berCD!
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