Monday, December 31, 2012

A little bit of yoga

A little bit of yoga & you don't stop...

My friend and I used to do yoga at this place behind our house, Dance V me. And I gotta tell you after 1 month of doing it, my body felt stronger and more relaxed. From sun salutation, downward dog, cobra, planks and many more yoga poses. However we stopped, since the center starts cancelling classes and replacing them sesuka hati. It was very disheartening tho, cos I was really looking forward to the classes. So I looked around for classes around Ampang (it has to be in Ampang, otherwise we would be so demotivated to what happened to the gym last time), and I found 2 places that's near our place. But they are wayyy above our budget. So we stopped...Of course there were attempts to do-your-own-yoga-at-home, but sadly it never worked.
So..come last week, surprise surprise, I found out one of my old friend is a yoga instructor herself. Imagine! being a yoga instructor! I would love to be one too! (I forgot to tell you our previous instructor is 50 years old but she looked 30). She actually went to India and got her certificates from there. Fancy! That's another aspiring story for me. Work for your ownself and do what you like. Of course I can't be going to India and taking yoga classes, but hey, I might one day :). But looking at her, I believe anything is possible. Trust the yogi in you..hehe

Just sharing what works for me, whenever stressed, I'll do my favourtite yoga pose for 20 minutes, The "EXTENDED PUPPY" pose. Once in this position, concentrate on breathing in and out and relax the muscle.

When in stress, do this : Extended Puppy Pose

TRY it ! And share with me how you feel :)

Goodbye 2012

A year that has totally changed me. A year that thought me patience, persistence and diligence. An eye opener and a start up for us. The best gift from Allah SWT. Motherhood is really something else. A journey full of surprises that I'll definitely cherish. May 2013 make me wiser and a better servant.

Mama lovs you Hussein!

Partners, mentors, backbone..all in one

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Shine bright like a diamond!

They say Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend..

Sorry Marilyn Monroe, I gotta disagree with you. The thing is, a BEST FRIEND is supposed to make you feel better. And what makes me feel better is knowing that I look good. Bukan nak tak suka diamond, hehe tipulahkan. But if given a choice, to look good or to have diamonds, I would choose to LOOK GOOD. Don't we all?  And to look good, you gotta feel good. Remember how it feels like when you have a good hair day, a good face day..or a good anything day? Now, that's what I feel when I wear my Premium Beautiful. Bonus is...I feel it everyday! Gotta wear it to feel it yo'


o0o0o0 Yeahh!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

GLAM has moved!

We moved to a bigger, nicer place in TTDI. It was awesome! Looking forward for more classes.

Taken from Salha Zain's Instagram

Yours truly is cutting a delicious red velvet cake from A Slice of Heaven by Just Heavenly. Sinfully delicious! Gotta try them!

Anyway, was supercharged from this class. Imagine, a PRADA bag as a giveaway! Seriously....I never thought that would be possible. Well, GLAM is extraordinary. Filled with people who wants to make their life EXTRAORDINARY. It's so inspiring to be with these people. To at least try and make a difference, rather than succumb to what life has in store for us. 

Join GLAM? Why not? Ask me how
                                                              012 - 2256224
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Monday, December 17, 2012

Hussein's Aqiqah

My boy is 2 months :)

I wanted to do it BIG! Of course la first son kan..Nak buat with the flowers, with the deco, with the candy buffet...

Lawa kan? But no, ours was not like this.. 

We had a simple, quiet, small scale aqiqah instead. Which I am happy with, no hustle and bustle. Ustaz Fadhil came and gave a tazkirah. A very good one indeed. Regarding how small babies should always be shielded from sihir 'ain (mata). Ustaz did mention yang sihir 'ain ni hadith dhaif, but he also adviced us to still take extra precaution.
Sihir 'Ain comes from pandangan mata orang, sama ada pandangan yang tajam ataupun pandangan kekaguman. So it happens when somebody approaches the baby and compliments them:

                            "Comelnya baby", "Putihnya baby"......etc, usually unintentional.

Baby yang terkena sihir ni, selalunya menangis non stop and refuse to drink milk. So it is best if all the compliments dilapik dengan kalimah-kalimah

                                                        "Subhanallah..comelnya baby".

And it is best to read 3 Qul, Surah Al- Fatihah, Ayat Kursi dan surah Al-Nur (Ayat 35) untuk jauhkan dari sihir 'ain.

Takut jugak bila dengar tazkirah ni. But we hope for the best and mintak Allah jauhkan lah anasir-anasir jahat dari bayi-bayi kecil. Tak sanggup rasanya tengok baby menangis lama-lama...

Hussein, Mama & Daddy

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Got Milk?

Maternity leave ending soon! Yikes

Hayden Christensen - Got Milk?
I need to start pumping!
Putting my Ameda at work. For the first few weeks, was only able to yield about 2 oz per session. Macam sikit kan,sebab tengok orang lain sampai 10 oz! So I start researching on ways to increase milk production.

There's no such thing as dieting when breastfeeding. Haha all the more reason to enjoy food! Of course there are certain food that is known to add milk: ie fenugreek, beans, spinach. For me, lobak putih and kurma works. I guess anything rich in protein and iron is good. Tapi takkan nak makan lobak putih hari hari!

This means, we must tell our body that it needs to produce milk. Either by pumping or by direct latching. Of course if we can latch the baby directly it would be better. But in cases where baby can't direct latch or when baby sleeps all day, we need to pump out the milk so that the body will fill up the breast with milk. Its DEMAND and SUPPLY analogy. It is recommended to empty the breasts at least once in 3 hours.

I learned this from a mommy in The Breastfeeding Advocate. At the end of the pumping session, when there's no more milk, just lighly massage the nipple for about 30 seconds. This will trigger another let down. Then you can hand express your breast. This usually gives additional 2 oz for me.

Premium Beautiful Brasierre with the Far Infra Red also helps increase milk! And true enough, after consistently wearing the full set for one week, my milk production went up to 8 oz per session. I'm loving it!

Breast Fed is Best Fed

Still looking for ways to boost milk production? Try it and share it here :)

                                                                       010 2256224 
                                                                          or email

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Premium Beautiful : Duplicating Your Success

Yes. Duplicate is the key word.

Ramai je orang yang selalu tanya..macamana nak berjaya. Macamana nak kurus. Macamana nak begitu begini. Jawabnya mestilah tiru apa orang yang berjaya tu buat.

So, macamana nak jadi macam Hanis Haizi and Salha Zain? Previously housewives turned successful enterprenur with 6 FIGURES INCOME per month. Kena la tiru apa yang diorang dah buat. Cos obviously whatever that they did WORKED.

Salha Zain                                                                  Haniz Haizi
How to follow them? First kenalah BUANG JAUH JAUH alasan-alasan ke tepi. Set your heart and your mind and just GO. Sebab hanya diri kita sendiri yang boleh ubah diri kita.

And that is why Suraya join G.L.A.M. Be in the right group, with the right mentor. InsyaAllah jika niat kita baik, semuanya akan berjalan lancar.

Remember the saying : Aim for the moon, even if you miss you'll still be amongst the stars.

How to be in G.L.A.M?                     
                                                             Call me at 010-2256224
                                                                        or email

Monday, December 10, 2012

Goodies of Premium Beautiful

GLAM brochure for Premium Beuatiful
I believe it is indeed a GOOD investment, without pill, diet, surgery or injection. Well, sekarang cost of health bukan murah. Sekali masuk hospital, at least mesti ribu-ribu. So why not we invest in something that can lasts and plus ada LIFETIME WARRANTY lagi.

Benefits include :

1. Improve BLOOD circulation
2. Stabilize METABOLIC rate
3. SHAPE UP your body and give good posture
5. DETOXIFY body
8. Regulate PERIOD cycle and eliminate PERIOD pain
9. Prevent growth of CANCER cells
11. Help ladies to CONCEIVE
12. Reduce BACK PAIN

And the list is endless...I speak from my very own experience and also the people around me.

                         Let's experience your journey with Premium Beautiful & share it with me
                                                           Call/text/whatsapp - 010 2256224
                                                                      or email

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Rat Race

Aren't we all trapped in one?

Often we all work long hours, doing the things we all hate, buying the things we don't need, to impress people we don't like. That says it all kan? For those who work 9 - 5, I feel you. Personally, I feel that we are  trapped in a RAT RACE, financially that is. The more income you make, the longer the hours you have to put in. And this goes on every single day...probably until you're retired.
Let's recall what we do when we get our paycheck..We pay the bills, we do grocery shopping, give some to our parents, yada yada, buy something nice for yourself...and belum sampai a few days..dah habis. So we limit our spending and wait patiently for the next paycheck to come...and again the cycle repeats.
Sadly a lot of people never get the chance to escape the RAT RACE. Academics alone is teaching us to fall for it, making the RAT RACE inevitable.

So how do we get out of this RAT RACE?

We WORK SMART. How do you it? Social media, networking, teamwork and many other channel. Of course things do not magically appear out of thin air, but you do know the long hours that you put in earlier, to escape the RAT RACE, will be paid off by having more free time later.

I'm tired of being in a RAT RACE. I want to WORK SMART. I would like to get an extra income, without having to spend LONG HOURS every freaking day. I want to spend money, without thinking about my next paycheck. I want to be with my family, without thinking about my annual leave, I want to travel the world, without waiting for AIR ASIA SALE!!

"No matter what you do in a RAT RACE, success is not guaranteed. But if you do nothing, FAILURE is"

Let's get out of this RAT RACE..shall we?

                 Lets do it together :)
                    Call SurayaSK - 0102256224
                       or email me at

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Just Arrived!

Yes, this just arrived. Soooooo super duper excited!

Jumpsac Orbit : Cornflower on Taupe Straps
Hussein is asleep. If not I would have strapped him on. Babywearing is also one of the few things that I've always wanted to do. Ambitious mama la katakan. And again, there a loooot to read about babywearing! haha. All these while I thought it'll be okay to just get the normal carriers that we see at shops. Bukan tak OK, tapi kalau ada yang lebih bagus, why not invest sikit. Afterall this is for my child and the coming adik adiks...InsyaAllah.

I got this from Mamapanda Store in Facebook. They had 15% off for Jumpsac Orbit at that time. You should know that Jumpsac is a Malaysian brand. *clap clap. Of course it is somewhat cheaper (about half the price) than other imported ssc ie: Ergo, Boba, but I was quite happy when i hear the reviews.

Oh you might wanna read about 'crotch carriers' before investing in a carrier. I am no expert, but I made my decision after reading about it. Perhaps I should read more and really write about it. Soon I hope!

Stay tuned for 'Babywearing Hussein shot'

Monday, December 3, 2012

Premium Beautiful - DO's

Dah beli PB? 
Tapi masih ada rasa ada benda tak kena?
Mesti ada yang silap kat mana-mana tu....

Cuba tengok PB Do's ni...

1. Mesti pakai AT LEAST 8 jam sehari

2. Sila basuh tangan - no washing machine, dry clean, hantar dobi

3. Basuh guna liqiud soap ie: Dynamo, Soflan, etc. Please do not bleach!

4. Jangan jemur PB di tengah panas. Memadai jemur PB dalam rumah. Lagi bagus jika lap lap dengan towel dan keringkan bawah kipas.

5. Untuk yang memang nak dapat body yang vogue de vass, kenalah pakai FULL SET. This is because PB akan distribute lemak-lemak kita ke tempat yang sepatutnya ke SELURUH badan. 

6. Last sekali, mestilah pakai dengan CONSISTENT. Jangan macam chipsmore, kejap ada kejap takda. Insyaallah, 2 bulan pakai PB, akan SANGAT nampak hasilnya.

Barulah boleh jadi begini....

Scarlett Johanson pun pakai corset ye..

Premium Beautiful - Tips

Everybody loves Tips

Tak kira la...while exams, working yada yada. Tips untuk skor A, tips semasa interview, segalanya tips lah. Yang paling best for us ladies. semestinya TIPS UNTUK CEPAT KURUS..Wahhh berebut untuk tengok kan. Tipu lah kalau kata tak suka...

It's the same with Premium Beautiful. You can love it, wear it and follow these TIPS to achieve MAXIMUM results ok :)

1. Drink plenty of plain water.
    Since PB get rids of toxin in our body, we may go to toilet more often. So drink more water and body can get rid of toxin faster.

2. Wash PB once every 2 days.
Because PB absorbs our sweat, with the toxic. Washing helps clean PB and ultimately perform better.

3. After washing, dab your P.B using a towel to help it dry faster and leave it under a fan. Better if you have air-conditioning turned on. It should be dry after a few hours. If it doesn't, switch the fan on or get a new fan.

4. Take body measurements before and after using P.B this helps you notice the changes in body measurement accurately. Taking pictures also helps. Pakai phone camera je..

5. Be patient, 1st time wearers of P.B may not be used to the feeling of a full body undergarment for the first few days or even weeks. Like a lot of things, it takes time to get used to it. For me, seminggu pakai, lepas tu baru selesa. Jadi jangan putus asa.

6. Don't expect miracles! Wearing P.B doesn't protect you from infectious disease ya. It assists your body's immune system and promotes better health NOT IMMUNITY or IMMORTALITY!


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