I wanted to do it BIG! Of course la first son kan..Nak buat with the flowers, with the deco, with the candy buffet...
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Lawa kan? But no, ours was not like this.. |
We had a simple, quiet, small scale aqiqah instead. Which I am happy with, no hustle and bustle. Ustaz Fadhil came and gave a tazkirah. A very good one indeed. Regarding how small babies should always be shielded from sihir 'ain (mata). Ustaz did mention yang sihir 'ain ni hadith dhaif, but he also adviced us to still take extra precaution.
Sihir 'Ain comes from pandangan mata orang, sama ada pandangan yang tajam ataupun pandangan kekaguman. So it happens when somebody approaches the baby and compliments them:
"Comelnya baby", "Putihnya baby"......etc, usually unintentional.
Baby yang terkena sihir ni, selalunya menangis non stop and refuse to drink milk. So it is best if all the compliments dilapik dengan kalimah-kalimah Allah...like:
"Subhanallah..comelnya baby".
And it is best to read 3 Qul, Surah Al- Fatihah, Ayat Kursi dan surah Al-Nur (Ayat 35) untuk jauhkan dari sihir 'ain.
Takut jugak bila dengar tazkirah ni. But we hope for the best and mintak Allah jauhkan lah anasir-anasir jahat dari bayi-bayi kecil. Tak sanggup rasanya tengok baby menangis lama-lama...
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Hussein, Mama & Daddy |
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