Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sohonista..The Day After

We had a blast!

For those who went, thank you so much. For those who didn't please do come to the next event. I'm pretty sure there will be more and more to come. Check us out.

In Utusan Mingguan - Glamour sekejap you!

And another one!
For those who are asking, what is SoHonista? It is actually a national platform to help us to do business online,SoHo style (Small Office Home Office), where we can do business anywhere, anytime. I was so touched when Dato' Sri Shahrizat recognized the problem we face nowadays, especially young mothers, regarding child care. I truly felt thankful that there are powerful people who are concern about the fact that full time working women are spending more time at work rather than with their children.

Read more here.

And this is where we, the Top Leaders Circle comes in. 

Top Leaders Circle is a group of people who does online business. Armed with smartphones and tablet PCs, our business runs 24/7. Isn't that great! And to top it off, our TLC mentor, Salha Zain is chosen to become the SoHonista ICON! Seriously, it can't get any better than that rite. You got to learn from the best to be the best!

Honestly, Suraya sendiri memang tak pernah terfikir nak set up bisnes sendiri, nak kerja sendiri. Memang in my mind, I study hard, get good grades and get a good job. That's it. But bila dah kahwin, dah ada anak, parents pun dah berumur..I start to doubt my decision. WHY am I spending so much time outside of home, when I am needed at home. My family needs me at home. My SON needs me at home.

My little munchkin
For you guys out there who is still searching, looking, wondering how you can stay at home and earn GREAT income, do ask. Because like they say 'If there is will, there is a way'. 

Like what kak Salha cakap in her speech during the SoHonista event. You need to have FOUR things to be successfull. 

1 - A Dream : Knowing what you want.
2 - A Mentor : Follow the steps of people who has done it.
3 - A System : A track that keeps us on our feet.
4 - And Action : You have to walk the walk and talk the talk.

Ask me about it.

Do you feel the same way like I do?




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