Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What choice do we have?

A question that has kept me going.

There was this one time, when I had to drive alone to Mutiara Damansara. Siapa yang kenal Suraya memang tahu yang my navigation skill sangat sangat sangat la teruk. And I ended up lost ntah ke mana. But the funny thing is...I kept going the opposite direction, HOPING that it will become the correct direction. Terus je ke depan, padahal the correct way was for me to just stop and make a U-turn. That's when I realize, in life we tend to take the same approach. We know..we are in the wrong direction..but we keep going, HOPING that it will one day miraculously bring you to your destination. If you all fikir macam ni...hentikanla angan-angan tu. Just STOP. ANALYZE. Turn.

Ramai orang tanya, kenapa I beriya buat business ni?  Tak sayang ke masa yang tak dapat spend dengan family sekarang ni? Tak kesian ke anak you tak banyak masa dengan you? You tak penat ke buat semua ni? and of course yang paling favourite is...Tak cukup ke gaji yang dapat sekarang ni?

To be honest, at first I too was questioning myself, why am I doing all these. Balik kerja, penat..baik tengok TV je..lepak dengan family. Weekend boleh main-main dengan anak I, keluar shopping dengan husband I. Gaji memang cukup. Lebih dari cukup sebenarnya.

Tapi pernah tak kita realize, kita kerja teruk macamana pun, gaji kita still banyak tu. Mungkin la dapat overtime yang tak seberapa. I'm not being greedy. I'm talking about having a sense of self-value. You spend nearly 10  hours everyday away from your home just so that you earn a piece of cheque..yang by the end of the month will be gone.

And so we sit, and think...where did this go wrong. Betul ke hidup ni patut macam ni? Patut ke kita kerja and gaji tu memang patut habis every month? How about savings then? People say, diversify la..put in ASB, put in Mutual fund. Memang boleh save...berjanggut la nak tunggu..hehe

Semua orang sedia maklum. Kerja makan gaji takkan kaya. TIDAK AKAN. That's a fact. Bukan cerita penglipurlara. And when we say kaya..it is your own definition of what rich is. Being rich for me is not about owning 20 Chanel bags (although that doesn't hurt ;) ). Kaya to me is just to have enough for my family, my son, my mom, my dad & hubbs to live comfortably without being robbed of our time together. And I feel that that is achieveable.

Tapi eventhough i say all these, I still kerja makan gaji. Sebab kita TAKUT. Kalau tak makan gaji, takut nanti makan pasir. hehe. Bukan perlu terus membabi buta berhenti kerja. Kena ada plan, kena ada system, kena ada strategy. Yang penting, tengok apa mentor you buat. Jika dia berjaya...InsyAllah you pun akan berjaya..

And it all goes back to the question..

What choice do we have?



Knowledge, Mentor, System & Action

Keys to a successful business

To have knowledge is like having your own power to do something. Pernah tak buat presentation about something that you are not sure of, compared to something yang you memang tahu inside out. That is the power of knowledge. Kalau tahu, memang confident kita cakap. All questions bak datang la orang kata. Answers at fingertips sahaja. In this business, knowledge is readily provided and shared by great people who have exprienced in first hand. Bukan setakat baca buku saja. Praktikal, demo, one to one session, semua ada.

This is like what Dr Azizan cakap. Having a mentor is actually really important for you to get your ass up and do something different in your life. As for Suraya, a mentor is my inspiration la orang kata. Because I've never had any experience in doing business. Adala dulu dulu jual nasi lemak dekat UIA..hehe. So memang padanlah, my mentor is Lynn Shukor, who runs her own family business and memang hebat pasal business. Tambah lagi pulak kak Salha yang memang sangat sangat helpful and if you duduk dekat dia, you will get her positive vibe. Aura yang baik gitu.

Inilah tools untuk business. Banyak betul yang available nowadays kan! Business at your fingertip. Omnipreneur. Anywhere, Anytime. There are sooo many platforms that you can buikd your business on. And on top of all that, mentor still akan guide you. Kak Salha selalu cakap, semua dah guide, dah suluh. Kita tinggal ikut je.

Great Leaders gives great input - Alfaath with Omnipreneur presentation

Last but not least,

Ni actually key element to all that is listed above. Takda orang yang boleh berubah melainkan diri dia mahu berubah. So with all the help that has been showered on to us, it depends, apa yang kita buat. Pendek kata, kalau tak buat apa-apa, maka tak jadilah apa-apa.

So there, 4 steps to be successful in business. Got all that checked? Not yet? Why don't you check our group out. #TopLeadersCircle. We aim big. We dream big. We do BIG. And what's more important is, we have a big heart. Call me ;)


Suraya SK


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Premium Beautiful & Bella Awards

Both are for women.

In conjuction with International Women's day, we present to you Bella Awards - to celebrate, recognize and honour successful woman for their great achievement and inspirational contribution to the society.
With celebrities like Ronan Keating, Rossa, Maliq & D'essentials, Marcell, Joe Flizzow, gary Chaw & Mizz Nina to rock the stage, I am pretty sure it was a blastful event.

Actually Bella Awards ni, diilhamkan from rancangan Bella @ ntv7. Aired every Monday to Thursday at 11 am. It relates to all successfull women all background and history. So memang sesuai la when our famous CDM leader Hanis Haizi was featured in one of their slots.

Hanis Haizi on Bella @ ntv7 with Elaine Daly

I am proud to say that Hai-O marketing is the main sponsor for this award. And because of this, Premium Beautiful Corset and Luminez Skincare has received numerous coverage and we have received many many enquiries from the women out there.

"Popular dengan rangkaian produk kesihatan dan kecantikanHai-O berharap dapat mewakili sebuah transformasi dangan menggalakkan wanita secara keseluruhannya untuk menjalani kehidupan yang sihat dan tampil menawan. Menerusi produk utama yang terkenal seperti Premium Beautiful iaitu produk pembetukan badan dan rangkaian produk penjagaan kecantikan Luminez untuk memastikan wanita kelihatan menarik, ceria dan menjalani hidup yang lebih baik" kata Encik Tan Kai Hee, Pengarah Urusan Hai-O Marketing. 

And the winner for 'Bella on stage' award is none other than...DATO' SITI NURHALIZA! I heart you dato'!

Bella on stage

For more photos for Bella Awards 2013, please click here : http://beautifulnara.com/99-gambarsekitar-bella-awards-2013-majlis-anugerah-pengiktirafan-wanita/

Have fun !


Suraya SK


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