Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My First Day Out

44 days of Confinement...DONE!

Was so excited to jalan-jalan and of course bring the little one out. Tapi yang paling excited is actually masa nak try balik baju BEFORE pregnant. Baju yang dah 9 months tak pakai. Adakah masih muat....Seriously, I've heard and seen so many people who still have to wear their maternity clothes even months after habis pantang. Especially maternity pants. hehe. It's comfortable they say..

Yours Truly - Sorry muka terlebih excited
                                            VOILA------- Old jeans, Old shirt, NEW me!
Was so HAPPY lepas try baju. Everything is back to normal, if not better, after 3 weeks of Premium Beautiful..hehehe. OK lets go out!

Still wearing your maternity jeans?
Want to wear your normal jeans again?

Contact me for more info :                    010 2256224
                                                                or email

The FIRST Step

I am one who does not like changes
I prefer to stick to the normal routine and not be interrupted with any hussle and bussle in life
But I guess at one point in life, we all have to take a FIRST step at something
a NEW job,
a NEW house,
a NEW family,
a NEW environment...
And all this requires faith..

If you ask me WHY i took this FIRST step?
It is because I have FAITH in it
It is because I want to CHANGE for the better
It is because I'd like to PROVIDE the very best for my family
It is because I believe there's MORE to life than wearing a blue uniform to work (yes, we have uniforms)

So what did I do?
I listened to what my sister in-law had to say. And if I may add, she is a superwoman. A CEO, mother of three, in great shape and a fabulous mentor. I simply listened, having no doubt in her integrity. The thing about business sharing is, you really need to listen and understand, because it is likely to be something good. No presumptions made, did my own research and then I decided, YES, I will take this FIRST step.

And until you take your FIRST step, you'll forever be in status quo. That's all it takes to follow those who are successfull - making the FIRST step. And if you are asking why you should take the FIRST step? Well, I guess that is an answer that only you alone know...

BELIEVE. PUT YOUR HEART IN IT...and let the show begin..

Ready to take your FIRST step?, email me at :
     or call
     010 2256224

Monday, November 26, 2012

Why cloth diapering?

Simply because it's better..hehe
Of course if you don't, that does not make you a lesser mother than those who cloth diaper their babies.
We're all mothers, so let's share the love ya?
Hussein in Lunatots. Good Malaysian made CD

I get a lot of people asking..kenapa you nak susah-susah pakai CD ni? Pakai buang je la..kan senang or..ish takde masa la nak basuh-basuh. tak sempat. Initially I had the same perception towards CD too. Tapi lepas research, memang tak susah nak berCD ni.

This is why I think it's worth to give CD a shot.

1. It is COST saving. LIKE SERIOUSLY. I did the maths. For one year, we will spend about RM 1000 for disposable diaper. This is taking each diaper 60 cents and you use 5 diapers per day. Mahal kan? With RM 1000 tu, kita boleh beli berbelas CD yang good quality. And the plus point is, you get to REUSE them over and over again. So sekali saja initial investment.

2. Go GREEN. Ini just stating the obviouslah. Less trash, better environment.

3. Super Duper cute designs :) At home, Hussein will be just a T shirt and his diaper. No pants. hehe

4. Medically proven to be better. Well, I did not encounter this. But most of CD moms that I know, started CDing because their little ones are allergic to DD. Say NO to diaper rash &  NO to irritable bottoms!

5. Easier to potty train. Apparently babies feel more uncomfortable, hence the learning to use the toilet becomes faster.

 I have to say it is NOT EASY at first. There were just too many terms, too many sizes, too many styles, and of course too LITTLE time. But Alhamdullillah with a lot of guides online we survived without disposable diapers.

Just a few pointers which i'd like to share, that I wish somebody has told me beforehand:
- A One Size (OS) cloth diaper is usually not suitable for newborns.
- Newborns are better off with prefolds and covers
- Some homemade CD's are really good. My personal favourite is Maybel's Closet.
- Do your research before using CD and of course you will still learn a lot of stuff along the way.
- Make sure your washing method is correct.
- Joing FSOT groups in FB. This is where you can get branded CD (Ittibitti, Charlie Banana, etc) for a slightly cheaper price
-Do invest in good diaper because the quality is really good :)

So tunggu apa lagi..mari berCD!

Solat with Baby

Yes, as in actually dukung baby...

It was already 750 pm. Hussein was throwing tantrums the whole day. He refused to be put down. Everytime letak je, mesti ngangis. And boleh pulak nobody else was at home at that time. So i googled on how to pray with a baby. BAM. Boleh rupanya solat dukung baby. Islam kan agama yang mudah. Mesti ada rukhsah, cuma kita perlu cari dan fahamkan. Even di Mekah, tengok orang Arab semua siap ikat anak dia dengan tali (tapi yang ni tak tau la rukhsah ke idok ye). But my point is, there must be a way for everything because Islam is indeed our way of life.

Ini dia gaya solat dengan baby.
Mungkin ada yang masih was-was...Kalau tengok, kita tak perlu angkat takbir. Ini kena faham ya sebab kedudukan tangan memang takda dalam syarat sah sembahyang (5) or rukun sembahyang (13).
Ada juga hadis yang mengatakan Rasullullah SAW pernah dukung salah seorang cucunya semasa solat.
Tapi janganla suka-suka nak dukung baby pulak. Ini guna masa darurat saja ya!
Cuma just make sure, masa solat, baby free from najis. Kira tukar sajala diapers before solat.

Alhamdullillah, sekarang ni takda la nak terkejar-kejar waktu solat.

We learn something NEW everyday!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cloth Diapering

OK. Im a noob when it comes to cloth diapers

Remember I told you i bought lots and lots of them. The whole lot finally arrived 2 days ago, and after prewash I was more than excited to let Hussein try them on. Sadly none of them fits his skinny legs :(. Even with the leg gusset, it is still longgar.
Fortunately i did buy one handmade NewBorn CD from Maybel's Closet.(She had them on 45% discount!). So we've been repeating this CD on and on..hehehe. It's pretty good I'd say. The downside is, it is made of cotton so it tends to get wet if left for a long time

So apa lagi SOS lah, terus join FB group #Malaysian Cloth Diapering Parents. Where all the CD enthusiast of Malaysia gathers. It is amazing!! a post can easily get back about 30 comments ok! And they really spend their time analyzing each CD problems that arises and shares new found methods of cleaning CD, storing CD, etc etc. I was so happy i found that group!

I need to do a loooot of CD reading!

And for those of you who plan to ber CD, please read before you buy! 
Let's save the environment!

I hope...

There you go..
You hope for so many things but it is not going to change anything
You hope to be thin, but you eat like a horse
You hope you are healthy, but you smoke like a chimney

And the list goes on...

Now, let's try and DO something about it.

I hope to change my life..
I hope to have enough in my savings so I can retire early..
I hope to go places I've never been before..
I hope to have a body like Jeniffer Garner (OK maybe this needs some extra effort)
And the most is...I really hope to spend more time with my be more involved and not away at work, 5 and half days a week...


And they are sharing with me

How I can make money online with Premium Beautiful corset
How to become TOP Agent in CDM Salha Zain's group
How to make 5,6 figures income from Facebook, blogs
How to sell Premium Beautiful corset using social media
How to build a successful business and maintain it

I already took my first step...and I would love to share this GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY with you..

For more information :
Contact Me : +010 2256224
or email :

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Help Gaza

What can WE do?

Tengah breakfast tadi..dalam Malaysia Hari Ini, cerita pasal Gaza. Ya Allah, sedihnya bila dengar. Memang selama ini tahu pasal Gaza, tapi tak pernah tergerak hati untuk baca dan betul-betul ambil tahu pasal bumi Palestin ni.

Aqsa Syarif, satu NGO Malaysia yang ditubuhkan untuk membantu rakyat Palestin. Please visit their website and you can see a lot of things that they have done. Masya-Allah tak tahu pun yang banyak sangat aktiviti yang dibuat untuk membantu rakyat Palestin. Rasa bersalah sangat...sedangkan di situlah masjid Al-Aqsa berada and as a Muslim, kita memang patut buat sesuatu untuk membantu membebaskannya dari ditakluk musuh.
Bukan nak mintak pergi berperang di sana, bukan nak mintak buat kempen besar-besaran, cuma nak mintak beri sedikit bantuan :

This is what we can at least do.....

Islamic Relief Malaysia – BERNAMA

BIMB1202 90100 6564 3

MBB 5621 4270 8704

CIMB 1259 0000 804 058.

Tabung Palestin Aqsa Syarif -

BIMB 12092010034904

MBB 5515 7500 4299

CIMB 1216 0000452 101

From Afdlin Shauki’s wall

Wana Zulkefle:
Untuk yg ingin mengetahui, ia adalah berkaitan dgn cerita abg ipar saya ( Farhash Wafa salvador) yg kini berada di Gaza dlm misi membantu.. Kini kami disini sedang mengumpulkan sumbangan dari sedara islam dan juga non muslim untuk membantu tugasan di Gaza..
Status masing-masing save Gaza dan gambar-gambar Gaza harap dapat membuka mata semua. Untuk mereka yang ingin menyumbang kepada pejuang palestin bagi mempertahankan diri dan bantuan kemanusiaan, boleh menyalur bantuan ke account Maybank 162302585716 Farizz Wafa Salvador. Bantuan ini akan terus disalurkan kepada abang saya Farhash Wafa Salvador (Hanorary Ambassador for Palestine) yang kini berada di Gaza. Action speaks louder than words.. start donating Now.. dont worry we wont take a single cent from the donation

Superbrands Award

What is so great about 'Superbrands'?

A Superbrand is instantly recognisable to its intended target audience and it has established the finest reputation in its field. It offers customers significant emotional and/or tangible advantages and benefits over its competitors which they want and recognise. A Superbrand remains true to itself, but at the same time is flexible enough to adapt to changing environments without losing sight of what is at its core.

A Superbrand must represent :

Quality, Reliability and Distinction

And PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL has achieved the SUPERBRANDS status

How come a 'corset' achieved SUPERBRANDS status?
PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL is not just a corset. It is also used for health reasons by having Far Infrared Rays (FIR) weaved in the Long Bra, Waist Nipper & Girdle.

And what good does it do?

Long Bra
  • Alleviate breast engorgement and may help to increase milk supply
  • Reduce risks and detect serious illness – lump, cancer
  • Provide firm breast support and shape
  • Alleviate gastritis
Waist Nipper
  • Support spine and reduce back pain.
  • Prevent and detect serious illness – gallstone, fibroid, cyst etc.
  • Flatten tummy
  • Reduce stretch mark
  • Shape up body with curvy waist
  • Reduce swollen nerves
  • Support and restore womb position after birth
  • Stabilise hormone
  • Reduce period pain
  • Strengthen embryo implantation
  • Shape and firm up rear
  • Reduce and eliminate white discharge

When FIR infiltrates your body – there will be a resonance response to water molecule inside our body – the molecule’s ‘movement will increase – more energy will be used – increase heat production - vasodilation – improve blood flow – increase the effectiveness of nutrient transportation as well as toxin removal.
AS A RESULT our body will be MORE HEALTHY and ENERGETIC it also help in reducing body weight and the corset help in shaping our body.

FREE trial and Consultation available 
Contact Me : +010 2256224
or email :

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Fabulous Mum's Handbook

This helps, if you wanna get your groove back :)

I love this book, cos it concentrates about us, mothers.
How to handle things, how to keep your sanity, and how to best care for your little one..
It is really 'The perfect survival guide for mums everywhere'

Grace Saunders, the author, used to work with Elle magazine and is now a freelance writer for national papers and various parenting magazine. She shared her own experience and also contibutions from others or different topics. 

Topics covered are : Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Style, Home & living space, Work-life balance and Sex & relationships

Packed with solutions on everyday questions, daily recipes and how one cope with having kids, as a stay at home/full time working mom.
Oh and it's pro breastfeeding too!

"Being a mum is a life-changing and life-enhancing experience, but it's also an incredibly overwhelming one. It's crucial for us mums to think about ourselves and find that balance of adapting to a new life while retaining bits of our old identity. To give you life an overhaul, to pinpoint what it is that isn't quite working and to turn things around can sound like an overwhelming task, but with only a little effort and some commitment, I promise you can get some of your old life back, you can feel good in your skin and can start to feel truly fabulous" , Grace Saunders

Isn't that what we all need. A little bit of our old life back to retain our sanity :)

Premium Beautiful...

...Amazes me

It does..Why?

I've always been obsessed with weight. Being 56 kilos at the age of 12 has that effect. Began yo-yo dieting at the age of 13, just to get boys attention.Now, at 28, I've learn to love my body as it is. But the moment I saw the flabby tummy after delivery, I felt like breaking down. Cause I know it won't be easy to lose. Wore Premium Beautiful corset. lost it instantly. And that is why I'm amazed. It is an AMAZING product.

What is it?

Premium Beautiful, the only superbrands status corset with Far Infrared Rays (FIR). Every PB thread is weaved with bio ceramics which produces FIR. The benefits of FIR among others:

  • Detoxification 
  • Aids fat loss 
  • Reduces water retention 
  • Improves blood circulation 
  • Expels unnecessary waste 
  • Helps cleanse the liver and kidneys 
  • Helps heal skin disorders 
  • Reduction in emotional maladies such as anxiety and depression 
  • Relief from acute and chronic illnesses 
  • Aids in elimination of heavy metals, poisons & carcinogenic material from our bodies 
  • Reduces lactic acids & free fatty acids.

Who is it for?

Any Women, Any Age and Shape!

In fact Waist nipper is also recommended for men with tummy and back pain issues

PB is highly recommended for:

SLIP DISC/ back pain -Premium Beautiful is certified by AMERICAN, CANADIAN and QUEBEC chiropractic Association. Premium Beautiful consists of 7 memory wires that helps to support your back bone

Bad posture- ensures the body is in correct posture, no matter what you do. Movement is not restricted, so you can just do everything like usual.

Cyst/fibroid- it helps to reduce the size of fibroid or cyst

Constipation – it increases your metabolism, hence makes defecation easier

Breastfeeding – helps to increase milk production. The F.I.R. will penetrates deep within the soft tissues of the breast area, helping to reduce swelling, relieve pain, and most importantly enhance the lymphatic drainage process. Not only that, F.I.R. will actually stimulate and speeds up the circulation in the breast.

Weight loss – it helps to re-shape and re-distribute fats especially at tummy, butts, breasts and thigh areas. It also helps to restrict food intake. No worries! You will feel full and energetic after eating a small portion of meal.


Irregular Period flow

Menstrual cramps

Sagging Breasts/buttocks

Reduce cellulite


I’m happy to share more and other essential information as provided by our medical practitioners.

FREE trial and Consultation available 
Contact Me : +010 2256224
or email :

Monday, November 19, 2012

Remember Salha Zain

Yes..Salha Zain.

I blogged about her earlier. Had a look at her website? 

80 000 followers!??!?!?!!? seriously..who is she!??! When i first had a look at her website I was so impressed and dumfounded and I still couldnt believe how humble she was when i met her face to face.

Let's just say I am truly inspired by her success story. I read and re-read her page over and over again to find the courage, the will and the power to really take the first step towards something totally different than what I normally do.
I remembered this particular entry in her blog which says...

"nak jadi jutawan tapi golek golek tengok tv"... "macamana nak jadi jutawan"....

hahaha..memang menusuk jiwa sentence ni sebab until now, kalau tengah golek-golek tengok TV, mesti teringat kata-kata ni..dan TERUS BANGUN ya..

And who do I owe meeting her too, of course to another supermommy cum superwoman, my very own mentor, Lynn Shukor. The one who did Paris & London in less than a week. Are you kidding me!?

So I keep telling is all DOABLE..

And one thing, they keep telling us over and over again : ALWAYS BE YOURSELF

The Culprit

For the past 2 weeks, Hussein was having diarrhea, every 2-3 hours poo poo. And it results to him having loss of sleep and of course, when a baby in unhappy, AIN'T NOBODY HAPPY..
Stress nya..
I tried everything, minyak YuYee, minyak telon dan segala macam minyak. Ingatkan dia sakit perut sebab angin. Then at the end i figured out, it must be something that i eat, since he is fully breastfed. But seriously!, I have been eating rice,fish, vegetables and the occasional ayam kampung for the past 30 days! All grilled, NO oil, NO seasoning, NO cili, no NOTHING!
   My Lunch & Dinner sepanjang confinement
But it is actually a good thing that we are not allowed to eat many things during confinement. It sorts of make it easier to eliminate any food that may causes certain discomfort and SLEEPLESS NIGHTS..

Finally, after careful analysis of my food intake, I found out who the culprit is.....

Ye...I took it every morning untuk ganti Nescafe. So semenjak tidak minum Milo (ah rindu!)....Hussein tidak lagi poo poo sepanjang hari....

Yahoooo boleh tidur dengan aman.

So mommies, i would suggest you just look back at what you are actually eating because really, kesian anak kita tak pasal-pasal badan tak sedap. Kita memang tak rasa effectnya....

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Getting My Sexy Back

Yes, I'm bringing sexy back.DEFINITELY.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, I thought I looked my worst. Hey it was not easy to feel sexy if your walk turns to a waddle. But was I WRONG! 
Really, the EXACT time that a woman would hit rockbottom at being sexy would be.....during her confinement!
Looking in the bathroom mirror, clad in kain batik, grey-faced and bleary eyed (still overweight), with milk and blood plus exhaustion seeping from every that is BAD....I remember telling myself, relax, everything will be better tomorrow...but did not.

Want to know what did?!?!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I'm Just Kidding

A good joke can definitely sparks up your day..
Here's one..

A teacher called upon the classroom to make sentences with words previously chosen.

The teacher smiled when Pete, a slow learner, raised his hand to participate during the challenge of making a sentence with the words "Defeat", "Defense", "Deduct", and "Detail".

Pete stood thinking for a while, all eyes focused on him while his classmates awaited his reply.

Smiling, he then proudly said,

"Defeat of the deduct went over defense before detail!".       

Friday, November 16, 2012

Online Retail Therapy

I need to do something!..

....or else I'll end up broke....
My favorite pastime throughout this confinement period is buying things online.For those who does not buy things online, I have to tell you, it is one ADDICTIVE hobby. A big thanks to one smartphone and a gazillion webpages, i have manage to buy 3 breastpumps (definitely more than what I need!), hundreds of cloth diapers for Hussein, clothes for moi, multiple groupon vouchers and the list goes on.....

It's funny how easy it is to shop online as oppose to actually going to shop, seeing something in front of your eyes, feel it and actually paying for it with your own hands. For someone who does even own a credit card, it is definitely an overwhelming experience. But it make you feel good, real good.......

It makes you feel that you have actually accomplished something..hehehehe

And as for me, shopping online is made better via Facebook. Heck, there abundance of them!
My very own favourite would be the FSOTs. For Sale or Trade groups. Here, (mostly mommies) sell of preloved or new things at a good price. Highly recommended ! But of course you need to do your own research prior to buying. I am, hands itching to buy more cloth diapers...but I gotta give my bank account some rest. So I blog instead..

End of confinement..please come quik!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pray for Gaza

A Cry for Help 
Awal Muharram 1434

I too, have a dream ...
that one day Jews and Christians
will see me as I am:
a small child, lonely and afraid,
staring down the barrels of their big bazookas,
knowing I did nothing
to deserve their hatred.  
                                                                                                                     ―The Child Poets of Gaza

Insyaallah, our prayers are with them...

Review on Ameda breast pump


I have received my Ameda last week. However it has not been properly utilized yet, since belum start kerja ya..belum diguna untuk heavy duty. But I must say I'm quite pleased with this pump. Mechanism yang sangat simple dan tak banyak parts yang nak kena basuh. Tapi kena careful ya, make sure tubing dia tak basah masa guna, takut nanti backflow ke machine. Tubing tu tak perlu basuh pun actually sebab tak kena apa2. Yang perlu basuh hanya the diaphragm, valve dan flange.

So apa yang best pasal pump ni?

NIP..what say you?

Nursing In Public (NIP)

I have always been an advocate of breastfeeding. It just never occur to me to feed any of my children with none other than Human Milk. But what I didn't know is, it's not easy to fully breastfeed your baby plus be a FTWM. It never occur to me that we need to pump, store, thaw blah blah. Perhaps i'll do another entry on just this.

But what I'm more curious now is, how do you feed a baby when you go out? I have not had this problem yet, since masih dalam pantang (Day 30 and counting). So i googled and wallah, hebat rupanya issue NIP ni.
Apparently in September, in conjunction with World Milk Sharing Week, ada flash mob for breastfeeding mothers in KLCC. Twas organized by HM4HB, Malaysia. No, they did not flash their boobies out, but they did nurse their babies in public. Very gutsy and amazing indeed, please have a look:

What do you think of NIP?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I would love to go to India!


Yes, India. I have always wanted to go there.

Colourful saris in front of Taj Mahal

To go to Hyderabad where the colours make your eyes dance and the food makes your tounge sweat,
To go to Kerala which is believed to be God's own country,
To go to Agra where the scenic view makes your heart skip a beat,
and..of course to visit Taj Mahal which is the symbol of love for eternity.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Don't Shake The Baby

Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)

As a new mother, i spend most of my freetime (while breastfeeding) attached to a smartphone and read all sorts of information about babies. Amongst all, this is what I fear most.

The increasing number of sudden death due to SBS is alarming. If not death, SBS can also result in permanent brain injury. Usually these baby is taken care by a maid or sent to unlicensed day care centre. What's sad is, all these happened unintentionally and merely due to lack of knowledge.
The act of shaking the baby can easily shake the babies brain and causes damage to it. This is due babies having a large head and the neck is still weak plus not yet fully developed brain.

So, what do we do to avoid SBS?

3D/4D Scan

Excited ?

Remember when we are all excited to see our baby for the first time but all we get to see is black and white photos, that is a 2D scan.
With 3D scans you can really see your baby!

A good 3D scan

What is actually a 3D/4D scan?

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Krabi Part 2

Now, let's continue our journey...

After 2 nights in Phi Phi, we took the speedboat back to the mainland, Krabi. It's totally different lah from Phi Phi. Dia lebih kurang macam Pantai Cenang kat Pulau Langkawi...much NICER, of course :)

We stayed at a really nice hotel, Vogue Resort & Spa at Aonang. Also booked from Agoda and at that time it was on promotion. I think we payed less than RM 200 / night. The room is supernice, memang suitable for honeymoon gitu.

View From the Front Door

Friday, November 9, 2012


  I decided to change...

Life is just too short...


watch out

Krabi Part 1

Salam lovelies....

We honeymoooned in Krabi. Memang best! Rugi kalau tak pergi cos its so so so affordable.
We actually stayed in Phi Phi Island first for 2 nights, and then stayed in Krabi for 3 nights. I must say, it was an amazing experience and it is totally worth it. We did not take any packages tho, it's all FREE n EASY :)

We stayed in Phi Phi Casita at first. Small resort like motel. But its clean and friendly. Wats good is it is situated at the end of Phi Phi. So we have to actually walk all the way, tak jauh pun dalam 20 minutes walk, then baru sampai hotel. Its super cheap too, around RM 100 per night, booked thru Agoda. (please note tht Phi Phi is more expensive than Krabi ya sebab dia island).

Hafiz and his favourite pose

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Farid Kamil kahwin!!

OK This is out of topic sebenarnya..tapi kena jugak cakap.

FRUSTNYA!!!!!! Memang dari dulu suka sangat dengan Farid Kamil. I think he's SUPER cute and tersangatlah HANDSOME (sorry hubs..). I've never been a big follower on dramas and films but eversince nampak Farid Kamil berlakon, selalu la jugak tgk filem filem dia.

And now sudah kawin pojaan hatiku ini..And the wedding photos are lovely! Of course Diana Danielle is also super gorgouse.

I have to say the photos are BEAUTIFOOOOL!! credits to MangoTouch and Annas Easkey. 
How come you guys were'nt around when i got married..hmmmm

p/s: Farid Kamil. Ill still be your biggest fan

Dr Richard Teo

No, I don't know him personally.

But reading his story, it's impossible to say that it does not touch my heart. Have u read TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE..? Yes it felt like reading this book, but having a real person actually spilling his gut out is really something else. I just feel compelled to share his story with u...

Dr Richard Teo (1972-2012)
He was a very successful cosmetic surgeon based in Singapore who had succumbed to lung cancer. During his last days, he shared his last words on MONEY, TRUE JOY, GOD & FERRARIS...

Please read his true account on life here :

Monday, November 5, 2012


I am so lucky to have such talented cousins. My henna was done by a 16 year old.(!)

by Aisha Kallahan

A closer look...

Outer view

Palm view

I didnt do the feet tho. Didn't have enough time. Btw those who wants her service, kindly contact me :)

Make Up Artist

So far this is the BEST compromise I've made. Im a minimalist. I believe eveything should be not be OVERDONE. However, yang simple but nice ni lah yang suuuusah sangat nak cari. All my MUA are different. And their price is probably suku then what you pay to get a professional one. But Im HAPPY!

Here are some photos tho:

by Nadia

by Tiffany of James Irdale

by Kak Nora of Fiqrah Anggun

Photographer & Videographer


Like i mentioned earlier, i was happy with the subsitutions i made.

Alhamdullillah bila tgk gambar from fotofreaks and video from beehunt, it made my day.


Bercanda di Taman Tasik Perdana

A bed of Roses

Doorgift - credits to Aunti Ani


Beverly Feldman..highly recommended


And this is the wedding video done by Beehunt.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Confinement Lady

Confinement lady AKA Makcik Urut AKA Tok Bidan....

Prior to my delivery I want through many many manyyyyyy sites looking for a reasonable Makcik Urut. Apparently they aren't cheap. Of course..since they are highly sought after.I nak yang tradisional punya, but the problem is makcik-makcik ni either kita kena pergi tempat dia or we hav to pick them up. Ada jugak yang datang tapi mintak kita bayar tambang teksi!

Anyway i would like to share my experience with my makcik urut, well she's actually KAK INTAN.

Got her number from one of the mommies,

And i have to agree with her memang urut dengan Kak Intan ni best. She's very professional and yang paling best, her rate is reasonable. I find it reasonable lah setelah meng - comparekan dengan tukar urut lain yang dah di google. And some more dia boleh datang dan balik sendiri. Tak perlu untuk pickup. 

Kak Intan ni, first impression memang dah best cos badan dia sendiri pun macam anak dara eventhough umur dah dekat 50 tahun. Once dia datang, dia akan terus urut. Urut dia pun best cos minyak dia wangi. After urut she will tangas, tungku and last sekali lulur. Lepas tu sementara kita mandi, dia akan mandikan baby. Ya 'Allah, lepas dia mandikan Hussein, nampak Hussein ceria sangat!! Agaknya I mandikan tak best kot. Even I felt much better lepas servis Kak Intan. So energizing. I think it was the tangas kot.

But dia takda provide servis lain lah : ie: masak, kemas kemas. And availability dia pun agak terhad sebab dia ni tersangatlah busy!! Nasib baik I book cepat...hehe.

Dan lagi satu Kak Intan ni memang banyak bercerita so tak boring la masa dia urut tu. Dia pun akan bagi barut untuk baby and bengkung untuk Mak baby :). p/s: bengkung tu sangat menyakitkan hati untuk dipakai, tapi kesannnya memang gempak!

Siapa yang berminat bolehlah contact Kak Intan 017-244 0195 & 017-245 6937. 


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